Invest in Your Safety with a Walk-In Bathtub Expertly Installed at Your Clarksville, TN, Home
When was the last time you made use of your high-threshold bathtub? If it was too long ago to recall, and stepping over that bathtub wall creates feelings of apprehension for you, it’s time swap out your stressful bathing experience for a care-free one. American Home Design can install a top-of-the-line walk-in bathtub that will increase accessibility and be the centerpiece of your Clarksville, Tennessee, bathroom. We have over 40 years of industry experience, so you can be confident you have the right team for the job.
Bathtub Replacement Tailored to Your Needs
Your time in the bathtub should be spent relaxing and pampering yourself, not worrying over the threat of injury. At American Home Design, we’ll work with you to find the products that best cater to your needs so that you can regain your self-sufficiency.
Many of our walk-in bathtubs come standard with the following safety features:
- Grab bars
- Slip-resistant bottoms
- ADA-compliant seating
- Easy-access doors
In addition, we are happy to help you find a walk-in bathtub that fits your budget and lifestyle to a tee. Do you long for your tub to have massaging jets or water heaters? You can count on us to bring your vision to fruition.
Contact us
With a walk-in bathtub expertly installed by American Home Design, you can once again take delight in your time spent bathing. Contact us today to get started with a free, no-obligation estimate at your home in Clarksville, TN.
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